Lessons: How To Rent a Room in Singapore

SEO Course News
May 16, 2017
September 22, 2018

Lessons: How To Rent a Room in Singapore

How to Rent A Room In Singapore is Lesson

Rent a room in Singapore is not easy, because Singapore has own culture of room for rent. According to CNN report, local landlords don’t like rent rooms to Indian and PRC Chinese tenants due to they are like to cook at home (https://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/02/singapore-rental-racism-prc-and-indian-tenants-often-deemed-undesirable.html). Most of Singaporean eat at neither hood food court, which just at the downstairs of apartments.

Singapore housing development board has rules and regulation for people want to rent out rooms.

1. The maximum occupiers are six that include landlord himself.

2. Short term rental is not allowed in Singapore.

Under these two simple policy, anyone tried to rent rooms by sharing beds are Illegal. The total number of occupier of a resident aprtment over six will be consider as break law. The local room for rent website like ASHER and 65ZUFANG all have to follow the rules to check room information Lister and warn them follow the rules and regulation.


新加坡租房并不容易,因为新加坡独特的饮食文化和快速的生活。很多人都选择在楼下的Food Court用餐,而非在家做饭。根据CNN的一则报道显示,本地大多数租房者都不会选择把房屋租给印度人和中国人,因为他们会在家做饭,而且做饭的味道经常然隔壁的邻居难以忍受。同时也会让家里的油烟特别的重。



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